How it works: Players can receive a big amount of keys which will fill their inventory pretty quick, with a Key Vault (a physical item in their inventory) they can store a certain number of keys that can be later redeemed or withdrawn.
# Example configvaults:tier1:item:## All customization options# - material: the material of the item# - name: the name of the item# - lore: the lore of the item# - damage: the 'damage' of the item, used to display different types (e.g. colored wool)# - glow: whether the item should have a glow effect (true or false)# - unbreakable: whether the item should be unbreakable (usually used on older versions# of the game for custom textures)# - customModel: (1.14.4+) custom model data#material:PISTON_BASEname:'&cTier 1 KeyVault'lore: - '&eCommon: &f<stored.common>/200' - '&cRare: &f<stored.rare>/200'keys:# The name of the keys must be lowercasecommon:limit:200# The position in the GUIsslot:10rare:limit:20slot:11menus:useMenuForBulkOpen:falsewithdraw:# 1 - 6 rowsrows:3title:"Withdraw keys from your vault"items:border:# Same customization options as for the vaultslots: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26]material:STAINED_GLASS_PANEdata:7name:' 'info:slot:22material:BOOKname:'&9[!] Info'lore: - ' ' - '&aLeft click to withdraw 1' - '&aShift + Left click to withdraw 10' - '&aRight click to withdraw 100' - '&2Shift + Right click to withdraw all'bulk_open:rows:3title:"Bulk open keys"items:border:slots: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26]material:STAINED_GLASS_PANEdata:7name:' 'info:slot:22material:BOOKname:'&9[!] Info'lore: - ' ' - '&aLeft click to open 1' - '&aShift + Left click to open 10' - '&aRight click to open 100' - '&2Shift + Right click to open all'